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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  November 8, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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closed-circuit cameras every place. >> speaking of bond. >> the new james bond film. >> you're going see it? >> i'm in it. i haven't seen i want but i've seen it. that's it for us. thanks for joining us. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next the silence is deafening. with the $6 billion election behind, fiscal cliff is job number one, right? why are our leaders right back to stone waulg. israel's leaders challenge the president to be tougher on iran now that he's re-elected are they changing their tune. the first tv interview with the sister of slain ambassador christopher stevens. let's go "outfront". good evening everyone i'm erin burnett "outfront" tonight.
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nothing has changed. after $6 billion spent on the election, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of miles traveled by the candidates and millions and millions of pizzas consumed by hard-working campaign volunteers we seem to be back where we started on the edge of a fiscal cliff. president obama and house speaker john boehner haven't budged. yesterday we heard of talk of olive branches and reaching across the aisle. but this evening speaker bonner said this to abc news. >> raising tax rates is unacceptable and frankly couldn't even pass the house. i'm not sure it can pass the senate. >> he could be right about that. he's talking about raising tax rates. jessica yellin reminded us today that the white house has vowed to veto any bill that doesn't extend the bush tax cuts for families making $250,000, less than $250 a year. he's been very explicit. tax rates will be raised for people who make more than that amount of money. so how did the president respond to john boehner's line in the
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sand? well we haven't heard from him since he returned to washington yesterday. we were told though by the white house this evening he'll make a statement on the fiscal cliff tomorrow but as far as what we know right now the administration says the president has already laid out his plan. it's a plan he says would cut the deficit by $4 trillion over the next ten years. it's also a plan those, that we've told you before doesn't add up. so something has to give. and someone needs to take the helm. last night here on "outfront" we tried to find out from chris van hollen what the president's role would be on the fiscal cliff. >> that remains to be seen exactly who will be the negotiate or negotiators. the white house has to be engaged. the president will make clear as he did in his acceptance speech last night we need to compromise. i think the president will be directly involved. >> directly involved but not clear what his role would be. will the president take the lead? here's the thing. americans want answers soon. today i overheard a major
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democratic fundraiser and lobbyist ben barnes saying this to a high ranking member of leadership. i'll tell you we better be in a hurry. i don't think the american people has the patience. business doesn't have the patience. american express wrote in its latest quarterly report in the absence of legislative action there continues to be growing concerns about potential impact of fiscal cliff arising from scheduled federal spending cuts and tax increases set for the end of 2012. well they better hurry up because in nine days president obama is going to go turnovers asia with stops in thailand, myanmar and cambodia. steve rattner is the steering committee for fix the debt and stephen moore senior economics writer. i appreciate you both taking the time. this is a tough time for the country and one where everyone will rise to the occasion and we'll have a hasn't ending. john boehner said in that interview with diane sawyer on abc news he's the most
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reasonable responsible person here in washington. does that sound reasonable? >> i've been interviewing a lot of people on the republican side and i would agree with your assessment right now it appears both side are exactly where they were back a year ago august when we were up against that debt ceiling. not a lot has changed. president obama is going make the case that look i won the election and i ran on raising the tax rates on the rich. but the republicans in the house said wait we won our election and we won on not raising the tax rates. there's a mexican standoff and erin right now i think they are right back where they started but do i think there's a good chance given the fact that fiscal cliff will hit in a number of weeks that there is going to be some kind of a deal truck. >> let me ask you, exit polls from tuesday night, when voters were asked whether tax rates should be raised, here's what they said. 13% increased them for everyone.
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47% increase for over $250,000. obviously most voters are not in that category so maybe it's easy to say that. no increase at all, 35%. a significant number there. should the the gop start to negotiate for increased taxes on people who make over $250,000 because that's what the voters want? >> i don't think you can solve this problem without more revenues therefore i don't think you can solve this problem without changing the tax structure from duce more revenues whether you do it on tax rates on those making over $250,000 or limit their deduction or eliminating some deductions that wealthy people get. there's a lot of roads that can lead to rome. speaker boehner acknowledged that. >> let me ask a follow up. steve there's other ways to get there and one of the ways to get increased revenues is closing loopholes and deductions. but that deal might make complete sense but the president said he would veto the deal if
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it didn't come along with increased tax rates on those people. maybe his point of view doesn't make sense. >> as you said we're in a bit and steve moore we're in a mexican standoff with both sides taking positions that seem to be inconsistent with each other. we do have divided government. the president won the election. the republicans control the house. i think everyone needs to recognize that we need a negotiation, we need compromises to reach a resolution. i believe there needs to be more revenues. those revenues need to come from people making over $250,000 a year and beyond that i think you can negotiate this. >> stephen moore what's your take on this. this issue of raising revenue. you can raise revenue in a lot of ways, some which include raising tax rates and some don't. >> spoke with the minority leader in the senate mitch mcconnell and he said we're willing to fix the tax rate, close the loopholes but i don't think they will bargain on raising the rates. i think they honestly believe
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and i agree that raising tax rates on capital gains will hurt the economy. but there's another side which is the spending side and there are some republicans who say look if the democrats and president obama won't negotiate well let's just do these automatic across the board spending cuts may be the only way we can get democrats to cut the budget. >> some out there in the financial markets they say look we need to cut four times more than the president is proposing under his $4 trillion plan. i'm curious your take why the president has been silent. i guess this is strategic. boehner gave an interview a press conference. he's giving a press conference tomorrow. earlier cnn was told the president won't say anything but tonight we heard he'll make a statement tomorrow. >> the election was two days ago. today is thursday. he'll make a statement tomorrow. markets are volatile and
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reacting. that's why the president wants to say something before he goes asia. we do need to hold down spending. no question. nobody is suggesting that this compromise is not going to involve significant limitations on spending. and much more spending limitation than tax increase. but there has to be revenue component to get this to work. >> steve, i think that will happen actually. the question is whether you can get a broad base deal on reforming the tax system and reforming entitlements. the truth is i don't think they are all that far apart. >> don't think the 2005 you are that far -- the two of you are that far apart. the rocky relationship between the united states and israel gets rockier. if you think your vote only counts if you live in a swing state tonight we have statistical proof that you're right. now terrorists killed her
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brother. now for the first time since christopher stevens was killed his sister breaks her silence. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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our second story "outfront" developing story. cnn has learned iranian fighter jets fired on an unarmed american drone international airspace. the incident which occurred last night puts new pressure on president obama to deal with iran's hostility just days after winning a second term. the news also comes as the president and prime minister of israel tried to repair their relationship after a tense few months. "outfront," ambassador to israel. we learn iranian fighter jets struck an american drone. did you know about this. >> won't get into sensitive intelligence issues with you on television, erin but what i can say is that the united states and israel together view iran as a threat not just israel and the middle east but the entire world. >> bass do, here's what pentagon
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press secretary george little had to say. i want to plate for you. >> we believe this is the first time that an unmanned aircraft has been shot at over international waters in the arabian gulf. >> is that an act of war? >> i'm not going to get into legal labels. the reality is we have a wide range of openings as i said before to protect our assets and our forces in the region and will do so when necessary. >> ambassador, could it have been an israeli drone shot down would you consider it an act of war? >> we have the iranians firing at us through their proxies whether it's hamas or jihad. every day. this year alone we had 700 rocket attacks from gaza on our population in southern israel. >> so i guess the question of an act of war you kind of agree with what the u.s. is doing. you're mad but wouldn't do anything. >> this is an act of naked aggression, erin and i think it
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falls -- it's one of a series of acts of agreece perpetrated by this irrational iranian regime that's conducted and plotted terrorist attacks across five continents around the world in 25 countries. in 25 cities including this city in washington, d.c. again, that's not a regime that you want to have, to have access to military nuclear capabilities. >> all of this talk about what to do with iran, of course, comes down to the relationship between your country and the united states. president obama and prime minister netanyahu talked today and i know the prime minister called the president. i want to show you the headlines the day after the election. these were around the world. netanyahu rushes to repair damage with obama. that was one. perceived tilt towards romney israeli leader must mend relationship with obama. in israel the prime minister is taking heat for a perceived
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support of romney. i guess the big question is can the relationship be mended? >> there was nothing to mend, erin. president obama has said that he has spent more hours in conversation with prime minister netanyahu than with any other foreign leader. they've had about ten meetings. i've been present at all those meetings. they've been friendly and open and very constructive. we have a lot of common challenges facing us in the middle east whether getting the palestinians back to the negotiating table or again preventing that iranian regime from getting nuclear capabilities. prime minister of israel and president of the united states are committed together to meeting those challenges, to strength strengthening their alliance. >> if that's so i want to ask you about a report in the israel newspaper they reported that you in private were worried that president obama would want to quote settle scores if he was re-elected. >> the report is completely
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without foundation. nothing i ever remotely said and, again, i've been present at all these meetings between prime minister netanyahu and president obama and i can say, again, these are friendly meeting, open meeting, there was another phone call several weeks ago between prime minister and the president. it was exceedingly friendly. prime minister netanyahu met with secretary of state hillary clinton, again a very friendly and constructive meetings. we're allies. allies can disagree. the great test of loins is not whether we can agree on everything but how we move ahead of our disagreements and today whether on the palestinian issue, the iranian issue, a dozen other -- >> so you're still married. >> we're quite married and stay that way. >> what does the reelection of president obama mean. obama's victory brings home the fact that the state of israel must take care of its own interests we cannot rely on
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anyone but ourselves. and an interview on channel 2 in israel netanyahu said if someone sits here as prime minister of israel and he can't take action matters that are cardinal to the existence of this country, its future and security, and so totally dependent on receiving approveal from others, then he is not worth of leading. >> israel as a sovereign state has to defend itself and president obama has said publicly that only israel as a sovereign state can best decide how to defend its citizens. >> has anything changed on the timing obviously at the u.n. and very widely seen speech that prime minister netanyahu gave. he gave a timeline of the spring or summer in terms of iran reaching the point where it would have capability for a nuclear weapon. is that still the timeline. >> more specifically prime minister in his speech at the united nations was pointing out the point at which we can no longer prevent iran from
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acquiring military nuclear capability, nuclear weapons and yes he gave a timeline that mentioned the spring or early summer. >> and it sound like your specifying, you're saying that's the last point you could do anything but you're not saying you will do anything. >> that's the last point beyond which we can prevent iran from gaining those military nuclear capabilities, yes. >> interesting nuance there in the israeli stance. marijuana, it's now legal to use 2009 states. are we about to see a nationwide trend. we look into the massive amount of money made dealing pot. we'll talk to the woman getting the call telling her that the american ambassador, her brother, was killed in libya. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business.
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our third story "outfront" pot. it's every where. the marijuana leaf is showing up all over the place. "usa today" in the sports section i said to will, my executive producer is that a pot leaf. yes. professional sports deny pot. we're not is going to allow pot. keeping our pot bans in effect. they put it on front page. the pot talk, washington and colorado made history this week by voting to legalize
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recreational marijuana which is raising some pretty interesting questions. "outfront" trish regan of street smart and author of t"joint ventures." is this the beginning of the future. >> it's the beginning of a trend. the reality there's economics behind this. states are struggling right now. they are looking and saying wow this could mean something for my tax revenue. this could help me deal with my budget deficit. maybe it could bring in a little bit of tourism besides. so my expectation is you're going to see more and more of this. california tried it in 2010. was not successful. it will resurface in california. a lot more states will follow. >> they can get tax revenue from it. it's big money. >> big, big money. colorado and jeffrey marin is
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estimating colorado and washington will each bring in about $50 to $60 million in tax revenue and that's not only that. enforcement savings. $47 million you don't have to run down people. $74 million in colorado. $99 million being saved in washington. then as i was saying earlier there's all this potential tourism. denver, colorado. you have more -- >> the new amsterdam. >> in fact there's an area in denver that i did a lot of reporting from called ramsterdam. there's more dispensaries than starbucks. states are going to look at this much as many have looked at
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gambling and said hey maybe we can make some money. >> more pot than starbucks pap lot of what we hear about pot it's small business, individual farms. is it possible we could end up with big pot? >> you could. i mean, you think about the infrastructure that's already in the place with a lot of big agricultural companies and a lot of big tobacco companies. they could very easily say this is a money making opportunity for us. some estimates, the overall national marijuana market peg it at somewhere around $40 million which is roughly half the size of the tobacco market. if you're a tobacco company you might think this is a way to grow your business. so they may start to look at it. they have a lot of hurdles they have to overcome in terms of the taboo associated with this. the cultural, social taboo. a company may not to embark on that just yet, you may see smaller companies start to
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acquire other little companies. little pot dispensaries acquiring each other and building from the ground up. >> the front page of the "usa today" sports section. still to come. if you don't live in florida, ohio or virginia chances are your vote didn't matter. that's how you felt. tonight we'll tell you why you're absolutely right. gabrielle giffords today came face to face with the man who shot her in the head and killed six others. her husband mark kelly had some powerful words for the gunman next. ate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum. so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work.
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we start the second half of our show with stories we care about where we focus on our reporting from front lines. jared loughner who killed six and wounded 13 others including congresswoman gabrielle giffords has been sentenced to seven life terms without parole. mark kelly giffords husband gave a powerful statement praising his wife and detailing her struggles as she recovered. he ended by saying you have decades upon decades to contemplate what you did. but after today, after this
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moment, here and now, gaby and i are doesn't thinking about you. we received a statement from daniel hernandez jr. who came to gabrielle giffords aide. he too was looking for closure saying never letting our community be consumed with anger we resolve to make the best of this tragedy. we know we have close this chapter and we must move on the next one where we will be able to do good. we have new pictures of the malala yousufzai, the pakistani girl who spoke out about the right of girls to get an education. doctors say she's making satisfactory progress. her prognosis the eminent. she didn't suffer from significant brain-damage. she can walk and talk. her father said she stands for human dignity and tolerance and her voice is the voice of the people of pakistan. an estimated 666,000 people in new york and new jersey are still without power following both sandy and the nor'easter which hit the region last night.
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those power outages are making it very difficult to get gas and new york mayor michael bloomberg has signed an emergency order instituting a gas rationing policy today. he estimates only 25% of the city's gas stations are operating and we're finally starting to get estimates on how much that superstorm will cost. new york cover andrew cuomo said sandy inflicted $33 billion in new york state day lone. new jersey was hit harder. these numbers will be astronomy cal. the family of robert champion jr. has rejected a settlement from florida a&m university. he died after being beat on a bus as part of a hazing ritual conducted by the university's marching ban. 14 people were charged with criminal hazing. the attorney says $300,000 is the maximum amount allowable by law but the family's attorney called the offer an insult. it has been 462 days since this
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country lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? the fiscal cliff is still there. still weighing on stocks. the dow fell another 121 points. the nasdaq and s&p lost more than a percent. what will it take to wake washington up front. a country awash in red elects a blue president. take a look. i saw this map today and it just took my breath away. as you can see most counties in this country, that would be an understatement, i mean look that. they voted republican. but the cities are where most the people live they tend to vote demonstrate and that's where you see the blue. that's how president obama was re-elected. we know the battleground states get a lot of hoff. ohio and virginia got two-thirds of the campaign appearance. they are home to an eighth of the nation's population. pointed out by one of our guests tonight. that affects turnout. new numbers came out today.
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in the battleground states turnout was 62.7%. in non-battleground 54.8. is it time for a change? there was a piece about the vanishing battleground. let me just start adam by explaining what this means. you went through all of the numbers as well. this is where the candidate spend their time. these are the people who vote. i want doesn't seem fair. >> you know what? it didn't always used to be this way. in 1960 john f. kennedy campaigned in 49 states. richard nixon in all 50. now we're down to ten. the number of states that are close that are not blow-outs because what happens is that democrats live on the coasts and big cities the republicans live in the interior and many states are blow-outs which means it doesn't make any sense for candidates to spend time there because they don't have any kind of meaningful shot. the number of states that are lose is shrinking fast. in a series of elections that were similarly close within 2
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percentage points in 1976 there were 20 states that were quite close within a 5% margin by 2004 we're down 11 states. by my count in the election you're down to five states. you're running a country in a funny way where a few number of states are doing all the work. >> doing all the work. they get all the say in who gets to run the country and that's not fair. >> that's right. one way to think about it. on the other hand is that they are lose states because they are representative of the whole country in a sense. that's why they are close. it's a weird system and in turnout numbers you pointed to are very interesting. it means lots of people have checked it out and we leave it to our friend in ohio and florida to decide the election. >> when people criticize the electoral college people who support it come back and say the whole point of the electoral college it helps the states that don't have a lot of people in them. but it seems to be doing the opposite.
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the states with no people are doing one thing and the states with big populations are saying something else. >> you would think romney would have a better shot in the rural states but my colleague ran some numbers today and said that for him to win the electoral college in the last election he would have had to be up 3% in the popular vote. woe have had to swing from down 2% to up 3%. so in the current structure it seems to hurt republicans. >> is there a way to reform this because, i mean i know i keep harping on this. it doesn't seem right that ohio, virginia and florida matter when new york, texas and california don't. >> some of it is hardwired into the constitution. the constitution assigns a number of electoral votes to each state. there's something that could be done which is not hardwired into the constitution which is almost all states with two exceptions maine and nebraska assign all of their electoral votes winner take all. that's not required by the constition.
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if the only votes were assigned differently through congressional district or a deal to follow the popular vote you would have a very different system. >> perhaps one that would make more scene. adam thank you very much. if you haven't read his article check it out on "new york times".com. our senior political contributor for the daily beast and roland martin is here as well. good to see all you. yorn let me start with you. is the system broken? >> yes. a allowsy way to pick a president. i got a family spread out new york, south carolina, idaho, illinois. the only person in our family whose vote counts is my grandmother in ohio. three most populace state in the country is california, new york are atms. it disenfranchises people. it's a ridiculous way. there's a better way. national popular vote is one option. that's been take on some popularity. maybe congressional districts.
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i thought after 2000 we would have dealt with this problem and we haven't. election reform is very important. >> roland we talk so much about voter i.d. and photo i.d. and all these things that are important and need to be talked about but yet this seems to be really serious issue. >> well, it's a serious issue especially when certain folks lose. look let's just be honest here. okay. you look at african-americans. 50% of all-black folks live in the south. if you're a democrat you have no shot of winning mississippi, alabama, georgia, you can say that can benefit one party over the other. the other problem you have to deal with, we look at congressional districts who is in charge of drawing congressional districts. that's the politicians. so you saw in texas, latinos drove the population increase in texas, they got five new seats, what do republicans do? they created five republican districts so there's no way in the world i would say consider a congressional district system
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because a politician who is in charge of that state will draw the congressional districts to benefit their party. and so maybe the popular vote is really the best shot. that way it's the great equalizer it doesn't matter who lives in a particular place. >> what about what ryan pointed out. changing the constitution i give up. all these absolutist they don't want to do it. what about allocating the electoral votes based on the population in the state. >> there was actually an idea, a group called national popular vote and their proposal the office have state legislatures assign the electors in their state to the candidate who won the national popular vote because again you're allowed to do that at the state level. my personal view is a little different. i think that to be totally fair about it if we did move to a national popular vote system you would see dramatic changes in how people campaign. to roland's point. you have african-americans in
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deep south states. you can see candidates appealing to those guys. conservatives like me who live in blue cities like new york city maybe they would become more relevant as well even though a guy like me i'll be part of a 11% minority in a place like new york city but there is another thing to think about. >> 11%. .11%. >> there's another thing to think about. to change something like this, it leads to unpredictable consequences. one advantage of the elect toral college it sees that whoever is elected to president win as majority in a variety of different states that's different. you have a disburse support which is very valuable. >> roland? >> at the end of the day we can sit here and have this conversation but remember in order four to change the system you're going to have to go through a constitutional change. where is that going to require? two-thirds of the state. i can tell you right now wyoming, north dakota, all of those folks they are going say don't you touch this system
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because the next thing you guys are going to do is mess with the u.s. senate or we all get two each. so you can imagine what that fight will be. >> national popular vaccinate way to do it without a constitutional amendment. that's why it's gotten some track ocean. the politicians have been elected in the current system. they see no incentive. >> you know what americans think of politicians. >> not so good. >> what is it. self-loathing. >> the system worked reasonably well for a very long time. >> reasonably. said by one of the .11. thanks guys. out front next the attacks in libya and those attacks one woman's brother died and tonight the sister of ambassador chris stevens speaks out for the first time. and later why fdr's preoccupation with the holidays matters tonight.
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we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world and we begin tonight in beijing where china is issuing with a once in a decade leadership change. before stepping down the departing president issued a
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stern warning. >> reporter: what a contrast it is after the u.s. presidential elections to see a very secretive chinese communist party come together at the congress. this is a chance for the party to reflect on where the country is and where they want it to go and there are very, very stern warnings from president hu jintao. you said unless corruption is tackled it could bring an end to the communist party. at the same time the party is convening to select a whole new leadership. xing ping is expected to take over the leadership of the party. as hu jintao has pointed out a lot on the line. >> our fifth story "outfront" honoring chris stevens. he's being awarded with the common ground award for his efforts to bridge the divide between the united states and
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the middle east. he was killed along with three other americans on september 11th after terrorists attacked the u.s. consulate in benghazi. more than eight weeks later many are still wondering who is responsible and how it happened. ambassador stevens younger sister ann will receive the award on behalf of her brother. app, thank you so much and our condolences. i know it's a special night but a hard night for you. >> thank you. >> so i know you also met with the president this afternoon, and had a chance to talk with him about your brother. what did he say? >> he expressed his condolences, and his admireiatiation for the that chris did. how important it is to move forward and continue the state department's really important work in the middle east especially in libya. we agreed on the subject and looking forward to see this in the next few years. >> you had a chance to talk to the secretary of state before. you met her before. you'll see her again tonight.
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how have those conversations gone? >> she has been wonderful. she has been at the beginning so supportive. i met her first when chris was sworn in as the ambassador to libya. and it was just wonderful to see, to hear the admirable words that she had for chris and his work and his courage. and then when we met again after chris had been killed she was almost like a family member. she felt so terrible along with us. we really, really mourned together. i know she cares a lot and that state department is like a big family and she's, she's really done everything she can to, to help ease the pain for us. >> and i know that you are extremely close to him. we've heard so much about him as a dedicated diplomat and loved the people he lived ahong. what he was like to you as a brother? >> he was a mentor.
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he was so inspiring. he was always encouraging me and my other brother and sister to travel, to learn languages, to play tennis, to excel in everything we did. he really set a high bar for our family and inspired us. >> and i know that you were the first to get the call when he was killed. i can't imagine what that must have been like. i know, of course you knew he in a dangerous place but was that a call that you thought ever could come? >> of course it has been in the backs of our minds ever since he took his first state department assignment in the middle east. we knew that it was a dangerous place. but the importance of the work he was doing and the courage that he showed swept us along. and we did not think about it a lot. >> yeah. in the months leading up to the
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attacks and i know this is something that's painful to hear and probably something you don't like to talk about. there was an ied that had blown. there were other security incidents. had he ever talked to you about that? did he have any fears that he shared with you? >> he was a realist. he recognized fully the dangers and not only in libya but previously in israel, where he had served, and he was very well prepared by the state department to minimize the danger as much as possible. >> in the weeks before the attack, one thing that had stood out to me was some of the libyans guarding the consulate said they had been warned, been told by family members to quit because there was an impending attack. i know you and your family weren't aware of that at the time but when you heard that, how did that make you feel? >> i have confidence in the state department to do what they
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need to do at the time. they have the most information. they have much more information than i will ever have and they feel very strongly that they want to protect their own people and they do everything they can to do that. nothing is 100%. you cannot eliminate the danger entirely. >> obviously your brother's death has become political and that has got to be one of the most awful and frustrating things for you. do you think anything good can come out of that given that there are all these investigations and all these people who trying to find the truth or do you think that's going to hurt the search for the truth? >> i don't think all the extra investigations are going to benefit anybody. what's benefiting people are all of the other organizations and individuals who are looking at chris as a role model and looking at his work and his form of diplomacy as something to strive for, and continuing to do this good work in libya and
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other countries. that's the positive that's coming out of this. >> certainly he's become a hero for so many during this. i know you also met today with the national security advisor when you met with president obama. did you talk at all about other questions that you, the family, still want answered? >> we talked mostly about the importance of continuing on the ground work, especially in libya and in other countries, and we talked about peace corps volunteers and also return volunteers who want to do something to honor chris' work and how we may promote educational activities and other activities that will increase cross-cultural understanding and mr. rhodes was very supportive of these ideas. >> i'm sure he was really appreciative for you taking the time. it sounds like such a wonderful family. anne, thank you very much. >> thank you.
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so it has only been a week since halloween, just two days since the election but it's already time to talk about thanksgiving. specifically, everyone's favorite shopping day or maybe not so much, black friday. today walmart announced that this year's black friday will begin on thursday, november 22nd, when walmart is going to drop prices at 8:00 at night on thanksgiving day to let customers get a jump on the holiday shopping. so now you can start your christmas shopping as soon as you finish eating thanksgiving dinner and watching football. but you know, it's not just walmart. sears announced it will offer black friday deals five days in advance. i don't know what you want to call that. gray monday? i love christmas. it is my favorite holiday. but really, is nothing sacred anymore? we looked into this and found out this rush for christmas is nothing new. and the person to blame, the person who moved thanksgiving, the one who got this butterball rolling to get more people shopping for christmas is this man. franklin delano roosevelt. prior to fdr's administration,
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thanksgiving was always celebrated on the last thursday in november, but in 1939, that fell on november 30th. the national retail dry goods association panicked. they said 25 days of shopping is not enough. president, you've got to move thanksgiving. now, fdr loved holidays when they helped him out. years earlier he created columbus day to win over italian-american voters. to assuage the retailers he agreed to move thanksgiving. that split this country down the middle. people were mad. half the states celebrated on the 23rd and the other half celebrated on the 30th that year. it was like that until 1942, when congress actually set thanksgiving on the fourth thursday of november permanently. another victory for fdr. so much for the hope that thanksgiving was linked to some part of american history or i guess it is. linked to presidential politicking. how about this. let's let christmas have all the
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time it needs and move thanksgiving again to a time we all need to pick up with family and friends like the end of february. president obama, you just got re-elected. let's get it done. it's peanuts compared to the fiscal cliff. all right. thanks for watching. see you again tomorrow at 7:00. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. we are keeping them honest on "360." the election is over and voters sent the clear message they want the nation's problems fixed. washington still feels like too much dysfunctional d.c. these three men all said the right things the day after the election but now, just a day later, it's already sounding a lot like the last four years. welcome to the program tonight. we've got a lot ahead in the hour ahead. we will talk to senator olympia snowe about what the gop needs to do moving forward from this election day. after the speeches, a lot of went to bed election night thinking they voted to fix the
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